How to Fix Video_tdr_Failure atikmpag BSOD in Windows 10

The video_tdr_failure error is a type of blue screen error of deathBSOD -that is triggered by corrupt, faulty, or incompatible graphics drivers.

Often, this error is attributed to a Windows 10 machine upgrade which results in the acquisition of new graphics drivers. In some cases, they might be corrupt or incompatible with the current graphics card.

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Fortunately, the BSOD error reveals the problematic file that’s responsible for this anomaly. This problem is common in computers running on AMD or ATI graphics card and this explains the VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE error.

If you have encountered this error, don’t panic. It can easily be fixed. In this article, we’ll look at the three suitable fixes to solve this problem.

Breaking Down the VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE Error

TDR is an acronym for Timeout Detection and Recovery. It is one of the many error detection components found in Windows systems. Its main function is to prevent the BSOD errors by resetting the drivers when a display is delayed. If these errors become persistent, the blue screen of death will be triggered.

To fix the ‘Video_tdr_Failure atikmpag’ error a few techniques come in handy.

Fix Video_tdr_Failure atikmpag BSOD – Index

Solution 1 – Updating the Display Card and Chipset Drivers

Solution 2 – Using Safe Mode to Reinstall the Driver

Solution 3 – Replace the atikmpag.sys or atikmdag.sys File

Atikmdag.sys Related Errors

Final Words

Solution 1 – Updating the Display Card and Chipset Drivers

Failure of your PC to reset the graphics card drivers and recover within the set timeout will trigger the BSOD error. To fix this, update the chipset and the display card either manually or automatically.


Manually Updating the drivers


Head out to the manufacturer’s website and search for the most recent drivers. If the issue occurs on your laptop, identify the laptop model and manufacturer and download the latest chipset and display drivers. Once downloaded, proceed and run the drivers.


Automatically Updating the drivers


To make things easier, and alleviate chances of installing incompatible or corrupt graphics drivers, performing an automatic update is highly recommended.

1. Hit the ‘Windows Key + R’.


2. Type devmgmnt.msc and hit Enter.

Video_tdr_Failure atikmpag BSOD

3. This opens the ‘Device Manager’ window, expand ‘Display adapter’, Right-click to select ‘Update Driver Software‘ option.

Video_tdr_Failure atikmpag BSOD

4. Select the ‘Search automatically for the updated driver software‘ option.

Video_tdr_Failure atikmpag BSOD

The system will attempt to search online for the best drivers for your graphics card.

Video_tdr_Failure atikmpag BSOD

In this case below, the system has determined that graphics card has the best drivers installed.

Video_tdr_Failure atikmpag BSOD

5. If no driver is found, repeat step 3 above and choose ‘Browse my computer for driver software‘. The pop-up window allows you to browse locally for existing Display drivers. If any are found, double-click and run the installation wizard.

6. Once installed, Reboot your PC.

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Solution 2 – Using Safe Mode to Reinstall the Driver

To reboot your Windows 10 PC in Safe mode,


1. Press the Windows Key + R key to bring up the run dialog box.


2. Type msconfig and press Enter.

Video_tdr_Failure atikmpag BSOD

3. In the system configuration Window that appears, click on the ‘Boot‘ tab. Locate and check off the ‘Safe boot‘ option. Click ‘Apply‘ then ‘OK‘.

Video_tdr_Failure atikmpag BSOD

4. Upon restarting your PC, you’ll enter ‘Safe Mode‘ session.


5. Head out to ‘Device Manager’ and expand ‘Display Adapters‘.


6. Right Click on the display driver and select ‘Uninstall device‘.

Video_tdr_Failure atikmpag BSOD

Check off the Checkbox and Click on ‘Uninstall‘.

Uninstall device driver

7. Upon successful uninstall of the device driver, Reboot the PC into normal mode and install the latest version of the chipset and drivers.

8. Once installed, restart the PC again in normal mode.

Solution 3 – Replace the atikmpag.sys or atikmdag.sys File

If you are still having issues, try replacing the file that corresponds to your graphics card. Use the file name on the error screen as your guide.

  • 1Download the latest version of your graphics card by looking at the model and the latest drivers from the manufacturer’s website.
  • 2Follow this path: C:\Windows\System32\drivers and look for the atikmdag.sys (or atikmpag.sys) file. Rename the file to atikmdag.sys.old (or atikmpag.sys.old).
  • 3Head out to the graphics card directory found in drive C:\ and search for atikmdag.sy_ or atikmpag.sy_.Copy the file to a convenient place like the Desktop.
  • 4Launch command prompt. Change the directory to the desktop.
  • 5Type expand.exe atikmdag.sy_ atikmdag.sys and press Enter. Alternatively, use the command expand -r atikmdag.sy_ atikmdag.sys and press Enter. The two commands yield the same results.
  • 6After the previous command is complete, copy the new atkmdag.sys from the desktop to the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers folder.
  • 7Finally , Restart your  computer

Atikmdag.sys Related Errors

It is a good practice for technicians and support staff to acquaint themselves with errors related to this file. It is also crucial to know the other causes of BSOD. The common thing about this error is that it occurs in all versions of Windows operating system to the latest version. Here are some of the common messages you will see on your PC:

  • 1🙁 Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We’re just collecting some info, and then we’ll restart for you. If you would like to know more, you can search online later for this error: atikmdag.sys.
  • 2STOP 0x0000000A: IRQL_NOT_LESS_EQUAL – atikmdag.sys
  • 3STOP 0x0000001E: KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED – atikmdag.sys
  • 4STOP 0×00000050: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA – atikmdag.sys
  • 5“A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. The problem seems to be caused by the following file: Atikmdag.sys.”
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Final Words

Some people opt to use third-party tools to look for drivers or perform repairs on the affected drivers. These include DriverBooster which may not solve the problem entirely.

The viable option is to remove the driver software acquired from a recent update and restore to the previous drivers that worked. The troubleshooting tips shared above can be used on PCs with AMD or ATI Graphics card.

The only difference will be the file name differences on the error screen. Knowing which kind of graphics card you are using is crucial which will help you in the troubleshooting process.

Further Reading

Fix: Windows 10 Black Screen with Cursor

How to Check Game’s FPS in Windows 10

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