How to Change Mouse Sensitivity in Windows 10

Considering the mouse to be a vital computer input device, many Windows 10 users have complained of slow cursor speed or mouse unresponsiveness. Preferences vary among users, and others feel their cursor is moving fast; other users think it is slow.

Most modern mice have proprietary software that allows you to modify the mouse sensitivity. In this guide, we demonstrate how to change mouse sensitivity in Windows 10.

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Adjust Sensitivity Using Mouse Settings

The first and perhaps the easiest way is by modifying the mouse settings.

Step 1: Press the Windows button to open the start menu. Type ‘Mouse Settings‘ on the Search bar.

Step 2: Click the “Mouse settings” option from the list of options.


Step 3: On the mouse Settings window, click on the ‘Additional mouse options’ option.



Step 4: On the ‘Mouse Properties‘ window, click on the  ‘buttons’ tab. In the  ‘Double-click speed‘ section, move the slider accordingly to the ‘Fast’ end to achieve high sensitivity.

change mouse sensitivity in Windows

Step 5: To adjust the  pointer speed, click on the ‘Pointer Options‘  tab

Use the slider to adjust the pointer speed. Also if you want to make the pointer snappier, then click on the “Enhance pointer precision” box.


  How to Fix Windows 10 Mouse Moving on its Own

If you’re going to change the primary and secondary keys, go to the “Buttons” tab and mark/unmark the “switch primary and secondary buttons” box.

You can also adjust the number of lines that the mouse wheel scrolls at a time. Open the “Wheel” tab and select the number of lines at the “vertical scrolling” menu.

  How to fix Windows 10 Mouse Lag?

Change Mouse Sensitivity Using Registry Editor

If necessary, you can increase the sensitivity of your mouse via the registry editor. However, before using the editor, ensure you backup your system and personal files. Also, remember to create a restore point for your system so that you can roll back in case any issue arises. To modify mouse sensitivity with the registry, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Press Windows + R Key to open the Run dialogue. Type ‘regedit‘ and hit ENTER.


Step 2: On the registry window, click on ‘File‘ then click ‘Export‘ and choose a destination to back up the registry files. In case an issue arises to open the registry and click ‘import‘ to return the previous files and system to the state before the registry tweak.

Step 3: Now, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\ Mouse Open the right pane and locate the ‘MouseSpeed’ option.


Change is “Value data” to 2 and hit OK to save the changes.

change mouse sensitivity in Windows

Step 4: Next, double click the “MouseThreshold1” to open it. set the “Value data” to “0” and press “OK” to save the changes.

 Mouse threshold 1 settings

Likewise, open the “MouseThreshold2”, set its “Value data” to 0 and press “OK” to save the changes.

change mouse sensitivity in Windows

The steps above will fix your mouse sensitivity to the highest. Now, close the registry editor and restart your computer for the changes to take place.

Changing your mouse sensitivity in Windows 10 is a less daunting task if you have the right information and resources. In this guide, you have learned how to change mouse sensitivity on Windows 10.

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