Windows 10 is unique in Microsoft’s line of operating systems. It is mostly different from its predecessors in both style and performance. The operating system drew from the pitfalls of its elder brother Windows 8. It displays a new, sleek, and flat design.
Windows 10 kept its flexibility despite its new look. Many users love to customize their Windows experience. And, the new Microsoft flagship made it easier to change its appearance. One of the first things that users often customize is icons.
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The stock icons used by Windows 10 are reminiscent of its classic look. However, the full range of custom and eclectic icon packs available online provides a variety of options. Check out our list of eight beautiful Windows 10 icon packs.
12 Best Icon Sets for Windows 10 – Index
- How to Change Desktop Icons?
- How to Change Folder and Shortcut Icons?
- How to Change Icons for a File?
- A Few Important Notes
- Simplus
- Folders Flat Colors
- Lumicons
- Insignia Icon Theme
- BRUCE Square v1.1
- Kingdom Icons
- In Pixelated Icon Set
- Shadow 135
- Arc Icons
- Kameleon Icons
- Anime Summer
- Flat Color Icon Pack
How to Change Icons in Windows 10?
While customizable, you still need to go through a few steps to change Window’s default icons. Follow the steps below.
Change Desktop Icons
The icon you see on your desktops such as This PC, User Files, Control Panel and Recycle Bin are called desktop icons. Only the Recycle Bin is present on the desktop by default. However, if you have any of the desktop icons and want to change their looks, follow the steps below.
Follow the steps in this tutorial until you access the Desktop icon settings. Click the Change Icon… button.

You will see the default icon pack used in the Change Icon window. You can choose any icons here. Of course, you’ll want to use your icon pack. Click Browse…

Navigate to where you saved your customized icon. Choose the icon then click OK.

Change Folder and Shortcut Icons
Folders and shortcuts are easily customized as well. Unfortunately, you have to do this individually in each folder. You may need to download a third-party application to change icons faster.
First, right-click on the folder. Then, choose Properties. Do the same for shortcuts.

Click Change Icon… in the New folder Properties.

Click Change Icon… in Shortcut Properties if you are customizing a shortcut.

Click Browse… in the Change Icon for…

Choose your icon in the window.

Click Restore Defaults in the Change Icon for… window if you want to restore the default icon.
Change Icon for a File
You can also change the icon associated with a particular file type. You will need to download FileTypesMan. No need to install the application. Unzip the file and run the program.
It will scan all the file types on your computer. You may have to wait for a couple of minutes depending on the number of file types.
Look for the file type you want to change in the application window. Right-click on it. Choose Edit Selected File Type.

Click the button with three dots right next to Default Icon on the Edit File Type window.

A Few Important Notes
Icon packs are available from different sources on the Internet. Remember to be careful and make sure that your source is safe. Scan the downloaded file or zip with anti-malware such as MalwareFox.
Windows 10 only accepts .ico, .dll, and .exe icon types. Most icon packs are in .ico, but you’ll come across ones in .png. You can easily convert it using tools such as this.
Some icon packages come with executable files to easily replace default icons. That is why it is essential to scan the downloads for your safety. Make sure you read the instructions if there are any.
List of Windows 10 Icon packs

Starting off with a simple design is Simplus Windows 10 Icons. The icon designs are elegant and straightforward. It eliminates clutter and creates a more seamless look.
The icon pack comes in a light and dark sets. The light set features muted colors that blend easily with a light-colored theme. The dark set icons are much brighter. Perfect to quickly see the icons and make them pop.

This work by dtafalonso is perfect if you want to maintain the clean look but wants to have a bit of variety. The icon pack also blends well with most Windows 10 themes.
It features icon in different shades. Unlike Simplus, the icons feature two to three colors. It creates a simple but exciting style.

The Lumicons icon pack comprises refreshing icons for all the popular applications like Adobe CC, MS Word, Spotify, Netflix, and more. The icon pack is suitable for desktop icons and directories. You also get to choose from a variety of color shades. It creates a subtle contrast with the Windows 10 theme. The soft edges distinctively integrate with the hard edges of the metro theme. The individual folder icons make it easy to identify your folders.

Insignia Icon Theme is an overall icon pack perfect for customization. It features icons for typical applications, web apps, and folders. The beautiful design is a slight departure from the flat Metro theme of Windows 10.
The icon pack pays homage to the traditional designs. The subtle light shade gives depth to the colors. It also uses Soft edges without changing too much from the logos. It is perfect if you want to contrast yet complementing theme on your operating system.

BRUCE Square fits in well with the angular Metro UI. However, it sets itself apart by having a gradient background and a white logo in the foreground. The application logos are stand-out quite well.
In the background, the colored gradient evokes a softer tone. The overall design is striking but not in conflict with the default Windows style. It is perfect for darker and simpler themes.

If you are a fan of Robinhood and Game of Thrones, you will love the Kingdom Icons. The icon pack is full of swords, bows & arrows, crowns, shields, castles, and many more kingdom-related icons. However, the downside of installing this icon pack is, the icons might not resemble the folders they represent. You have to remember which icon is set for which folder.

In Pixelated Icon Set is very different from the rest of the icon packs on this list. It does not try to blend into the Metro UI. Instead, it aims to provide the quirky design.
The inspiration for the design is from the 8-bit pixel art popularized by the 80’s and 90’s video games. The light color palette lends a playful and youthful vibe. It comes in both .ico for Windows and .icns for MacOS.

Shadow 135 is an extension icon pack for both Windows 10 and MacOS. It is reminiscent of Google’s Material UI. The colors blend well with Metro UI of Windows 10. The rounded squares and the inner circular inset creates a dynamic look.
The white logos with shadows shows depth. The artist, BlackVariant, has different sets of icons for applications, system icons, and even brand related icons. The large selection ensures consistent design across your operating system.

Arc Icons are a part of the famous Linux icon pack. It has a beautiful, minimalistic design perfect for Windows 10. Apart from the Folder icon, you will also get the WiFi icon, Recycle Bin icon, a translation icon and other multipurpose icons too.

Kameleon Icons is a set of 120 icons in SVG, PNG, and ICO format. It provides a modern, sleek look to the Windows overall theme. All the icons of the pack use a simple vector image with a circular background. You will find the resembling icons to all the major folders such as Documents, Music, Downloads, Photos, and more.
All the usual icons are there, including music, documents, picture, and video folders, the Recycle Bin, a gaming icon, and even a replacement icon for DLL files.

If you are an Anime fan and want to decorate your Windows 10 with an Anime theme, then the Anime Summer icon set is just for you. These icons are available only for folders. The icons display the popular anime shows of the past years, including Konbini Kareshi, Ballroom e Youkoso, Isekai Shokudou, and Owarimonogatari.

The last one on the list is the very elegant Flat Color W10 IconPack. It uses a minimalistic design that is quite soothing to the eyes. It also comes with the content specific folder icon option. It completely suits the Windows 10 default theme.
Final Words
Customizing Windows 10 is one of the most enjoyable parts of creating your personal experience. Remember to backup your files and scan everything for malicious threats and applications. We hope that more natural customization methods will be available in the future iterations of the operating system.
Allan Jay is a web developer who loves to read and watch tech reviews, especially cutting-edge technologies. He likes exploring and taking photos of the places he visited. still has icon packs that look way better than these ones on here. These icon packs here are way too flat and bland.
Hey Aaron that website looks like shit.
It does!
exactly! these are modern and sleek but those look like something straight out of 2004
clearly we have different taste, those icons look nasty to me
i don’t think so. i can’t find any useful icons in wincustomize
You have to be kidding, everything looks like it’s from 2003. That’s an awful website.
That’s the point of minimalism
Wincustomize does need a make-over, but it does host some of the best windows icon packs out there.
I can’t find a good one. Care to give us some links?
i second this
Simplus is plain and simple.
It really doesn’t
not attractive at all
They are awesome! Thankyou for your effort to compilated all of them
woah i literally have the same name as the author
Why is the same procedure stated again and again and again for “how to change icons for files/folders/shortcuts/desktop/etc”????