How to Split Screen on Windows 10

Windows 10 has a very useful Snap feature that allows you to split the screen and use multiple apps at once. Here’s how to use it for the benefit of multi-tasking and get things done.

Where are Themes / Wallpapers stored in Windows 10

Windows 10 comes with a variety of lovely wallpaper collection. I have seen many users love these wallpapers just because they are kind of cool. If you want to know in Windows 10 where is themes/wallpapers location, then just stay tuned because I’ll be telling you all about it.

How to get Windows Experience Index in Windows 10

Windows Experience Index shortly known as WEI is one of the easiest ways to determine actually how powerful your PC is. So, if you want to know the score of your computer’s performance, you can do that easily with this feature.

How to Clear Clipboard in Windows 10

What if you don’t want to store data in clipboard or a file can contain data that you don’t want to share. In that case, you have to clear the clipboard so that no one can access the data stored in it. Learn how to do it in this article.

Where are Memory Dumps in Windows 10

Developers use the dumps to fix the problem that caused the system crash. There are five types of logs created in the Windows 10 system which are used for inspection. This articles lists them along with their location in file explorer.

How to get Battery Report in Windows 10 (Check Health Info)

Windows 10 consumes a big portion of battery life for its different flashy features. Just click on the battery icon in the notification panel, and you will see the percentage battery left. If you want a full detailed battery report in Windows 10 you have to do a little side work.

How to Set Animated GIF Image as Background on Windows 10

Who doesn’t love GIF images nowadays? They are cool and can say so many things than a standard static image. It is not possible directly but using the tools mentioned in this guide, you can set an animated wallpaper on Windows 10 desktop background.

How to Remove Adware and Pop-Up Ads from Windows 10

If your browser opens up a wrong website every now and then your PC may be infected with adware. Antivirus programs are not powerful enough to cleanup adware in many cases. So, try these steps to get rid of advertisements and other nuisance from Windows 10 Computer.

How to Create Hotspots on Windows 10

Just like your smartphone which allows you to share 3G / 4G data connection with WiFi Devices, Windows 10 computer allows to do so. Hosted Network is a unique feature that is included with the Network Shell command-line utility. This feature will allow you to create a virtual wireless adapter or virtual Wi-Fi.